Os roteiros contavam com outros grandes medalhões e adaptações de grandes histórias, como "Para o Homem que tem tudo" de Alan Moore, adaptado por outra lenda dos quadrinhos, o sr J. M. DeMatteis. Em dupla com Keith Giffen foram responsáveis por uma das mais marcantes fases de toda a história do grupo (conhecida como a fase cômica, e por muitos como a 'Liguinha').
Insistindo em manter uma visão menos preocupada de personagens sisudos como Batman e o Caçador de Marte, a série foi ganhando destaque ao trazer revisões de personagens como Besouro Azul e o Gladiador Dourado sempre se metendo em confusões (que muitas vezes envolviam inclusive todo o restante do grupo. Numa das subtramas, Giffen e DeMatteis trabalharam com a noção de que o Caçador de Marte descobrindo o sabor dos biscoitos recheados Oreos passa a se tornar obcecado com o produto.
Num roteiro perdido, escrito pelo próprio DeMatteis, a história seria adaptada para a série animada, conforme demonstra uma parte do roteiro abaixo (no original).
And let’s not forget that JLU and all the characters are ©copyright 2015 DC Entertainment.
“Misfortune Cookies”
by J.M. DeMatteis
INT. THE WATCHTOWER/LOUNGE - DAY: ELONGATED MAN, BWANNA BEAST, FLASH and BOOSTER GOLD horse around like a bunch of slacker frat-boys, complaining about the other Leaguers and wondering why J’onn called them together. E-Man has no idea why the others are there, but he’s sure that J’onn has finally recognized his brilliance and is moving him up in the organization. “Brilliance?” Booster Gold asks. “What brilliance? You’re a rubber band.” E-Man says he’s a master detective -- and he’s got the license to prove it. “License?” Booster snorts. “You cut an ad out of the back of a comic book and mailed in two dollars.” “That’s how much you know,” E-Man replies, smugly. “It was five dollars.”
Before the inane conversation can continue, a very grim MARTIAN MANHUNTER enters the lounge, carrying a bag of Oreos (not mentioned by name...but clearly identifiable by their look); he munches on the cookies continuously -- also exhibiting a few minor, but noticeable, nervous tics -- as he addresses the group.
J’onn tells E-Man and the others that the League is involved in a very delicate diplomatic situation. Two alien races -- the feline Hasssa and the not-remotely-humanoid SHROND -- are on the verge of war. In a last ditch effort to preserve the peace, each Empire is sending emissaries to the Watchtower in hopes that the League can mediate the dispute.
“Why us?” E-Man asks, reaching for one of J’onn’s cookies. J’onn grabs E-Man’s hand and squeezes, hard: E-Man yelps...as the Martian casually explains that the League has credibility, neutrality, “and most important,” he adds, letting go of E-Man, whose aching hand expands and contracts, expands and contracts, “respectability.” (“That’s what you get,” Flash whispers to E-Man, “for not saying please.”)
“So,” Booster says, “we’re doing security, right?” “So,” J’onn replies, “you’re doing security, wrong.” Bwanna Beast gets very excited, thinking that means they’re the ones J’onn is picking to do the actual negotiations. “Even I’m,” Booster says, “not stupid enough to believe that.” “Thus exhibiting a level of self-knowledge,” J’onn interjects, “that I thought was beyond you.” “Thanks,” Booster replies. “I think.” Flash: “If we’re not doing security...then what?” (E-Man, meanwhile, snakes a long, rubbery finger toward the cookies...J’onn, noticing this, actually bares his teeth...and Ralph quickly withdraws his hand.)
Without missing a beat, and with complete calm, J’onn says: “We cannot risk any of you embarrassing us or jeopardizing this negotiation...and so...you are all ordered off the Watchtower, until further notice.”
The others protest and whine -- but J’onn’s intimidating glare is enough to get them moving toward the transporters. After they leave the room, J’onn stands silent for a beat, then devours the remaining cookies in one massive mouthful. CUT TO:
INT. THE TRANSPORTER ROOM - DAY: The disgruntled and embarrassed Booster, Bwanna and Flash prepare to be beamed out. “Dontcha think,” Elongated Man observes, “that J’onn was acting a little weird...even for J’onn?” “Face it, Ralph,” Flash says, “you bring out the worst in people.” E-Man’s nose begins to twitch. “I smell a mystery,” he says. Flash: “I hate it when you do that.” E-Man: “It’s one of my most charming traits.” Flash: “You don’t have any charming traits.” But E-Man’s not listening: he’s lost in thought. “Coming?” Bwanna Beast asks. “I...ah...left something in the Lounge,” E-Man says. “You guys go on ahead.” They beam out and Ralph stands there, pondering. As he does, another one of the teleporters kick in...and a six foot tower of Oreo packages appears on the pad.
A moment later, JOHN STEWART/GREEN LANTERN enters the room -- “Didn’t J’onn tell you to get lost?” he barks -- heading for the cookies and picking them up. “Those are yours?” E-Man asks, amazed. “What’s it to you?” GL says, leaving. E-Man’s neck stretches across the room, he flattens his head and slips it under the door and out into...
...where he sees GL walking down the hall, ferociously munching Oreos; only GL suddenly morphs...back into the Martian Manhunter. And, off E-Man’s confused expression and twitching nose, we --
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